You can use eM Client with one email account for free. Other features include scheduling the sending of emails, quick text, a translator, email rules, and more. In doing so, you experience a cleaning inbox. With eM Client, you receive a conversation view that automatically groups messages into relevant conversations. The client offers a free, clean interface, and besides email, it includes a calendar, tasks, contacts, and chat. One of the oldest email apps for both Windows and Mac, eM Client works with all primary email services, including Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, and Exchange. Kiwi for Gmail works with multiple Gmail accounts and is available for Mac and Windows. It also works with Boomerang, a popular scheduler plugin that lets you assign a later date or time to send an email automatically. The app also includes the ability to combine filters to create lists of relevant emails.

Perhaps the app’s most impressive feature is the Focus Filter Inbox, which has been designed to remove email noise by allowing you to limit the content you see on the screen based on date, importance, unread, attachments, or starred. With Kiwi for Gmail, you’ll get windowed versions of Google web applications such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides. With this app, the Gmail web experience comes directly to your desktop. The following Gmail clients get the job done and will enhance your overall email experience.