
What is the meaning of smh
What is the meaning of smh

what is the meaning of smh

SMH is an acronym that means Shaking My Head and is usually used in text or social media conversations to express a sense of disbelief. Sometimes its modified to smfh or smmfh by those that prefer profanity in their internet acronyms. SMH is a well known online acronym that young adults and teenagers love to type into their text messages and posts on social media to express the same physical body language of Shaking Their Head in Disagreement disbelief or Disappointment.

what is the meaning of smh

Its a small bone a wish bone really that Id like to just place very gently on her footstool while shes looking the other way. What are you like I do not approve of that SMH has the same meaning as RME Rolling My Eyes and is a less profane version of SMFH Shaking My Fcking. See Vanity Fair magazine recently published New Years. Its used to express disapproval frustration disappointment or disbelief depending on the context. Scratching My Head Internet slang SMH.Īnd if your artisan sourdough is baked in a factory well Im just not buying it. Great Britain Scotland Machin Scott Catalogue prefix. SMTH was invented somewhere between the 1990s and early 2000s around the same time as other online slang terms.Ī Sol W Anyway Instead it is an expression of disbelief or disapproval. Usually used when someone finds something so stupid no words can do it justice.

What is the meaning of smh